Dress Standards

Agatha M. Thrash, M.D.
Preventive Medicine
"Perhaps no question has ever come up among us which has caused such development of character as has the dress reform." 4T 636
"The subject of dress demands serious reflection and much prayer." 4T 641
"As the truth is brought into practical life, the standard is to be elevated higher and higher, to meet the requirements of the Bible. This will necessitate opposition to the fashions, customs, practices and maxims of the world. Worldly influences, like the waves of the sea, beat against the followers of Christ, to sweep them away from the true principles of His meekness and grace; but we are to stand as firm as a rock to principle. 6T 146
"Satan is constantly devising some new style of dress that shall prove an injury to physical and moral health; and he exults when he sees professed Christians eagerly accepting the fashions that he has invented." 4T 634, 635
"Fashion is deteriorating the intellect and eating out the spirituality of our people. Obedience to fashion is pervading our Seventh-day Adventist churches and is doing more than any other power to separate our people from God." 4T 641
"All matters of dress should be strictly guarded, following closely the Bible rule. Parents should think intelligently upon this subject. When they see their children inclined to follow worldly fashions, they should, like Abraham, resolutely command their households after them." 5T 499
"The dress reform is treated by some with great indifference and by others with contempt, because there is a cross attached to it. For this cross I thank God. It is just what we need to distinguish and separate God's commandment-keeping people from the world. The dress reform answers to us as did the ribbon of blue to ancient Israel." 3T 171
"Everyone must now search the Bible for himself upon his knees before God, with the humble, teachable heart of a child, if he would know what the Lord requires of him." 5T 214
"God has been testing His people. He allowed the testimony concerning dress to become silent, that our sisters might follow their own inclination and thus develop the real pride existing in their hearts." 4T 639
"Your girls should wear the waists of their dresses perfectly loose, and they should have a style of dress convenient, comfortable and modest. Their dress should reach below the knee." 2SM 471
"Satan invented the fashions which leave the limbs exposed." 2T 532
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30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875