Counseling Sheet

Drugs Associated With Cancer

Agatha M. Thrash, M.D.
Preventive Medicine

  • Enteric coated aspirin - melanoma
  • APC and Butalbital - neurologic sites
  • Atropine - breast
  • Barbiturates - lung, biliary, and myeloma
  • Cephalexin - lung
  • Chlorambucil - leukemia, lung
  • Chlorpromazine - liver
  • Vinegar and aluminum acetate (Domeboro) - female genital
  • Tegopen - tongue, all cancers
  • Ampicillin - pharynx
  • Antacids - melanoma
  • Erythromycin - mouth
  • Estrogens - brain, all cancers
  • Iron - lung
  • Multivitamins - mouth
  • Formalin - lung, all cases also smoked, used on warts
  • Potassium bromate (food additive, bread, and neutralizing solution in permanent waves) - renal cell cancer and mesothelioma)
  • Decadron - rectal
  • Folic acid - myelogenous leukemia, all cancers
  • Dalmane - neurologic
  • Griseofulvin - thyroid
  • INH - lung
  • Metrol - prostate
  • Liquifilm Tears - all cancer
  • Synthroid - thyroid
  • Orinase - breast, Hodgkin's
  • Stelazine - liver, lungs
  • Estrogen - uterine corpus
  • Tylenol - melanoma

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Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center
30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875