Range of Motion Exercises

Agatha M. Thrash, M.D.
Preventive Medicine
Upper extremity
Flexion - Starting at the side, the arm is raised through 180-degree arc to a vertical position above the head
Extension - Arm is returned through the same arc to the side
Abduction - Starting at the side, the arm is raised laterally to a side horizontal position through an arc of 90 degrees
Adduction - The arm is returned through the same arc to the side.
Internal and External Rotation - The arm is abducted to a horizontal position, the elbow is flexed upward with the forearm at right angles, which brings the shoulder joint in a position of external rotation, bringing the forearm forward and downward produces internal rotation (a 90-degree arc).
Circumduction - A combination of the above movements, a complete circular or swinging motion around the axis
Flexion - Starting with arm at side, elbow is bent through range of motion to about 145-160 degrees
Extension - Elbow is straightened to original position
Pronation - Movement of forearm in turning palm down
Supination - Movement of forearm in turning palm up
Flexion - Bending wrist forward from normal to about 90 degrees
Extension - Returning to normal of previous motion
Abduction - Move hand toward the thumb side
Adduction - Move hand toward the little finger side
Circumduction - A combination of the above wrist movements
Flexion - Bending through range of motion
Extension - Straightening through range of motion
Abduction - Spreading of fingers
Adduction - Bringing fingers together
Circumduction - Combination of the above
Flexion - Curl in on palm
Extension - Bring thumb out so as to make a flat hand
Abduction - Bring out so as to make a right angle with hand
Adduction - Bring thumb to hand in line with fingers
Circumduction - Combination of the above
Opposition - Bring thumb to meet fingers
Lower Extremity
Flexion - Movement of thigh (with knee bent) 150 degrees or more with knee extended 90 degrees or less
Extension - Reverse of previous motion
Abduction - Moving limb away from the other, side-wise about 50 degrees
Adduction - Reverse of previous motion
Internal rotation - Turning leg inward (about 30 degrees)
External rotation - Turning leg outward (about 60 degrees)
Circumduction - Combination of the above
Flexion - Bending of knee joint (about 135 degrees)
Extension - Straightening of knee joint
Dorsiflexion - Elevation of the front of the foot toward front of leg
Plantar flexion - A depression of the foot in a direction just opposite to that of dorsiflexion
Abduction - Forefoot turned out
Adduction - Forefoot turned in
Eversion - Abduction plus a lifting of the outer border of foot
Inversion - Adduction plus a lifting of the inner border of the foot
Circumduction - Circular combination of the above
Do the same movements as with fingers, as much as possible
Contact Us For More Information
30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875