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Agatha M. Thrash, M.D.
Preventive Medicine
When prepared properly, salads can be an appetizing, nutritious addition to any meal. Some things to remember are these.
Salads are an important part of every meal:
- a good source of vitamins A, C, all B vitamins (except for B12), natural fiber, and many important minerals.
- low in calories; this helps to curb your appetite at the beginning of a meal and fills you "up" not "out."
- NOTE: The darker green vegetables are nutritiously superior to the light green ones.
The nutritive value of a salad is greatly dependent upon how it is prepared:
- the closer to GARDEN FRESH the better. If possible, buy with outside leaves and roots intact.
- DON'T SOAK, just rinse once and store or serve immediately. Soaking dissolves vitamins.
- keep from open air. This destroys vitamins and minerals.
- KEEP COOL. Heat activates enzymes which destroy vitamins and minerals.
- KEEP FROM EXCESSIVE LIGHT. This destroys vitamins and minerals.
- store in AIRTIGHT CONTAINERS in your fridge.
There are many kinds of salads, and they can be served before a meal as the main course, or as a dessert:
- appearance is important as taste, so make your salads colorful and decorative. They may be individual salads or you may want just one center piece.
A general rule is, if serving
- a large variety at a meal, have a simple salad.
- a large variety in the salad, serve a simple meal.
- a good salad to begin a meal with is a relish plate, green salad, carrot salad, or cabbage salad.
- bean or potato salads are good before or during a meal.
- tacos, haystacks, or salad bars make a delicious main meal with either soup or sandwiches.
- fruit salads make a nutritious dessert and are good for breakfast, lunch, or supper.
Try to make salads a part of every meal!
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30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875
30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875
Call 1-334-855-4764