Vaginal Infections

Agatha M. Thrash, M.D.
Preventive Medicine
Trichomonas vaginitis (protozoan)
Signs & Symptoms
Inflammation of vagina, producing burning and itching
Frothy yellow-white or yellowish-brown vaginal discharge
Objectives of Treatment
To remove exudate, relieve inflammation, restore acidity, and re-establish normal bacterial flora
Vinegar douche (2 Tbsp in 1 quart of water)
For recurrences, repeat treatment and include sexual partner.
Monilial infection
Cause: Candida albicans (fungus)
Signs & Symptoms
Inflammation of vagina producing itching & reddish irritation
White cheeselike discharge clinging to epithelium
Objectives of Treatment
To eradicate the fungus: Local applications of gentian violet
To relieve other causative factors: Stop antibiotic therapy; determine if diabetes or other systemic disease is present.
Infection of Bartholin's Gland
Escherichia coli, Trichomonas vaginitis, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Gonococcus
Signs & Symptoms
Redness around Bartholin's gland
Swelling and edema
Development of Bartholin's abscess
Objectives of treatment
To drain the abscess or cause it to dissipate
Cervicitis (acute and chronic)
Gonorrhea, Streptococcus, many pathogenic bacteria
Signs & Symptoms
Profuse purulent vaginal discharge
Urinary frequency and urgency
Objectives of Treatment
To determine the cause: Cytologic examination of cervical smear
To eradicate the gonococcus: Use well-done fever treatments.
Postmenopausal vaginitis (atrophic vaginitis)
Cause: Lack of estrin effects
Signs & Symptoms
Loss of redness, tissue folds, and epithelial covering of the vagina
Itching and burning
Objectives of Treatment
Perineal pour 4-6 times daily
Vitamin E oil capsule inserted each night high in vagina
Contact Us For More Information
30 Uchee Pines Road #75
Seale, Alabama 36875