This 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous is useful in correcting any unwanted behaviors. May it be a blessing to you and to those with whom you share it.
What are some ways to obtain or maintain a healthy heart? This short article lists some very practical lifestyle changes that can keep our cardiovascular system in optimum condition.
In this list of abstracts compiled by Dr. Agatha Thrash, learn some of the contributing factors in the illnesses mentioned and what can be done to combat them. Freely share.
This article lists the major factors in aging: psychological, nutritional, lifestyle, blood chemistry, and metabolic factors. Also included are instructions for checking BMI, a list of antioxidant-rich foods, and a list of anti-aging herbs.
Though classed as a poison by physicians and pharmacologists, alcohol is legal in almost every part of the world - except some "dry counties" in the U.S. and several Muslim countries. Learn in this article the physiological effects of this damaging drug.
Honest replies to a list of lifestyle questions can indicate the proper answer to the title inquiry: Are you living healthfully? See how you fare, in general, regarding lifestyle decisions.
Animals are a wonderful gift from God. They provide comfort and joy to old and young alike. But what are some of the health dangers associated with having pets in the home? Find out in this article.
Dealing with asthma requires living in strict accordance with the laws of health. This article includes treatments as well as techniques to prevent asthma attacks.
Asthma is a respiratory disease characterized by difficulty breathing, often due to narrowing of the air passages. Listed in this article are some treatments and preventive measures.
This well-referenced article lists herbs for prevention of blood clotting, as well as causes for its acceleration, factors known to reduce blood clots, and the use of anticoagulant medications.
Our modern way of life is conducive to bowel disease. By changing our habits of eating and other lifestyle factors, we may avoid or heal bowel disease. Share this list with those you love.
Caffeine has many pharmacologic actions in the body. And it's present in products besides the abundance of caffeinated beverages. Learn why this wrongly deemed "pick-me-up" is a real detriment to health.
Cancer is still waging a huge war against society. What are the risks? How can we prevent it? And what can we do if we get it? This article answers those questions.
The liver does far more than we realize in keeping our bodies functioning. But it's often underappreciated. Learn in this short article how to keep the liver in optimum condition.
This discussion of essential breast care will inform you on how essential it is to keep your breasts cool. Besides that, learn why it is a good practice to keep breasts small, how best to keep nipples clean, what diet is best, and how best to clothe them. Included also are self-examination steps.
A bit of study and a reformation of habits of foot care can bring a great deal of reduction in physical and emotional tension, as very few parts of the body have greater potential for such widespread distress as the feet.
The natural laws of health go a long way in taking care of the nervous system. Find out what simple things you and your loved ones can do to produce a calming effect.
Diagnoses of peptic ulcers occur more frequently in America than in any other country. Most stomach ulcers could be prevented by changes in lifestyle. Learn more in this article.
Appetite is a normal and protective mechanism; but when used to support cravings, it becomes destructive. It should be possible to discover the causes of cravings and to eliminate them.
Fatigue is one of the commonest complaints heard in doctors' offices today. Understanding this list of causes can help eliminate them from your life. Learn also the inner secret of rest.
"A person's character is judged by his style of dress. A refined taste, a cultivated mind, will be revealed in the choice of simple and appropriate attire." (EV 672) That and other Spirit of Prophecy quotes are provided in this article.
This discussion piece focuses on the topic of the body's circadian rhythms. With the growth of interest in health and wellness, circadian rhythms is a growing topic of discussion, as it should. Read this interesting first take and then part 2.
This discussion piece focuses on the topic of the body's circadian rhythms. With the growth of interest in health and wellness, circadian rhythms is a growing topic of discussion, as it should. Read both: Part 1 and Part 2.
We can live weeks to months without food, days to weeks without water, but only minutes without air. Learn in this article some general concepts regarding the health value of clean air.
We know that customs of eating and drinking affect our health. But what about the clothing we wear? This article provides insight into how what we put on relates to health.
There are several situations and certain foods which promote indefinite cravings that can cause unrest and unfulfilled longing, and sometimes result in irrational behavior. Alterations in the lifestyle can prevent much of the distress.
This short list includes some of the most common criteria - from proper growth ... to freedom from disease ... to length of life - that can help to judge nutritional excellency.
The most common cause of loss of teeth before the age of 25 is dental caries and the commonest cause after 25 is periodontal disease (pyorrhea, a degeneration of the gums and tooth socket). Both of these are related to diet.
With the steady climb of mental health issues over the recent past, discussions about depression ought to rank high on the list of topics on which to be educated. This discussion is not one to overlook, as its approach to healing may be the answer to your prayers and your heart's desires. Read on.
To avoid or reverse depression, improving one's lifestyle brings incredible results. Too much leisure, too much work, jealousy, fear, and lack of faith are among the culprits. Learn more from the list in this article.
A vegan diet is the best choice to obtain and maintain optimum health. Learn here about what foods to include and which ones to avoid when dealing with Heart Disease, Hypertension, Detoxification, and a list of other ailments.
How are diet, disease, and behavior interconnected? What are some deleterious effects of disregarding the laws of health? There is much to learn (and share) in this helpful article.
This simple brush massage, which is done before the shower, helps strengthen the body's defense against infection and dermatitis. Only a stiff-bristle brush is needed. Read on for directions.
Divorce and remarriage is a popular and vital topic among the churched and unchurched, alike. This discussion explores the details of various circumstances in light of the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy biblical commentary.
Find encouragement and guidance in this short list of quotes from the Spirit of Prophecy, regarding the importance of modest dressing that's still needed in our modern day.
By definition, a drug is a foreign substance of a poisonous nature. Drugs never cure; they just change the form and location of disease. This article shares additional powerful statements, warning of the use of drugs.
When studies were done to determine the emptying time of the normal stomach and if eating between meals affected it, some subjects were given between-meal snacks while others were not. The results were eye-opening.
There are certain habits of life that are known to increase the thirst for alcohol, and tend to initiate its use in the young. Learn more in this short-but-informative article.
What is eaten determines how one approaches life. Personal discipline, victory over trials, the temper, disposition, and even memory are influenced greatly by the food we eat.
What are the effects of exercise on the mind? Is it always positive, not matter how intense the activity? Or is there a temperance principle involved in obtaining a positive outcome?
This is a must-read for women, especially those in their 30s to 50s. Globally, women experiencing uterine fibroids has increased: over 226 million in 2019. This discussion focuses not only on what fibroids are but also what can be done to treat them naturally. An interesting case study is included.
Associated with improved health and longer lifespans, intermittent fasting has gained much attention and respectability, even popularity nearing that of calorie counting and plant-based diets. This brief discussion offers important advice for a successful fasting experience.
Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition that affects the babies of expectant mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy. Learn about the syndrome in this interesting article.
Though we may never stray in "more serious" areas of life, we're often tempted to compromise and go against our convictions when it comes to health principles (especially when under peer pressure). Read on, to see why that's just as dangerous as falling into "worse" sins.
Since it's a law of the mind that established habits are "reinforced" with each repetition, and that habits denied tend to undergo "extinction" the following 5-day regimen can accomplish both on the "stop smoking" journey.
Perhaps you've heard of the "NEWSTART" acronym? A similar one is "GOD'S PLANS." Find out here what each letter stands for in the quest for optimum health.
Some may think these warnings unnecessary; but God has shown me that they are necessary in every mission, in every college, in every institution that we have established. This article discusses the dangers of coquetry (and how to guard against it).
"If those who are sick will give nerves and muscles and sinews proper exercise in the open air, their health will be renewed." Find those and other helpful quotes in this counseling sheet.
An estimated 75% of diabetics could be cured simply by following the Health Recovery Program outlined in this article and the General Principles for overall good health.
It may shock you to learn that an almost endless train of disease results from unhealthful styles of dress, as organs are compressed, limbs are restricted, skin is marked by tight bands, and footgear causes improper alignments. Read this discussion to learn how this can be and avoid needlesuffering.
Probably everyone has suffered from heartburn at one time or another. Causes of this irritation of the stomach and esophagus include alcohol, overeating, snacking, lying down after meals, taking pills without water, etc. Preventive measures are listed.
"Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us of which we know nothing. Those who accept the one principle of making the service of God supreme, will find perplexities vanish and a plain path before their feet." (MH 481) That's just one in a list of inspired, encouraging quotes.
This inspired listing includes helpful verses from Scripture, with prayer, and Spirit of Prophecy quotes - all selected for the encouragement of souls seeking healing.
Fortunately, most cases of hepatitis are self-limiting and will heal with rest and supportive care. This counseling sheet provides some simple lifestyle measures and treatments for hepatitis.
Who doesn't love some kind of pet? Few families have a no-pet policy. Yet, according to the details in this discussion, every parent, every family needs to rethink their decision about adding to the family from the furry animal kingdom. Here's why.
Many families exist without any form of family worship. Prayers tend to be said only before special meals, like Thanksgiving. Here is a format that you may want to incorporate in your family, whether you are new to family worship or not.
Provided here is a short-but-thorough list of lifestyle measures (some of which are surprising) that can strengthen overall health, including improving memory. Freely share.
The average educational system does not teach the importance of dress from the perspective of body temperature for health and wellness. Neither does the fashion industry—and likely, it never will. This discussion does.
This discussion promotes healthful living. Advice on diet, the importance of regular daily patterns of sleep and other lifestyle routines, including suggestions for spiritual development, and recommended herbal teas and supplements are well outlined.
"Idle words" - What are they? What did Jesus mean when He used the term? Does it only refer to "meaningless phrases." Or do idle words include much more? Find out in this thought-provoking article.
Learn how to strengthen your immune system through lifestyle change and simple, inexpensive, and effective natural remedies that can be easily done at home.
Part of the ill effects of immunizations are due to inadequacies of the vaccines themselves. This balanced, scientific article shares some improvements but warns of the harmful implications of common vaccines.
The digestive system is accurately timed and does the most efficient work when kept on a regular schedule. By carefully heeding the instructions found in this article, you can feel much better and also avoid many illnesses.
With the goal of fitness becoming increasingly popular, learn in this article why jogging might not be the ideal option - for both men and women. And how to use it wisely, if it's still your exercise of choice.
What are the 10 laws of health? This article lists the principles of Diet, Water, Sunshine, Purity of Life, Cleanliness, Temperance, Exercise, Rest, Air, Trust in Divine Power.
Each person must play his own part to produce a clear mind, capable of keener perception and greater memory retention. What interferes with learning? What improves it? Find out in this article.
Adopting a two-meal plan can certainly save time and money but also increase energy, cure irritability, and lessen the risk of developing cancer. This compilation of scientific health information explains.
There are three different types of memory: immediate recall, short-term memory, and long-term memory. Find out in this article what hinders the settling of new material into the brain.
Do you or your loved one suffer with the challenges of menopause? Do the inconsistencies of this phase challenge your patience, your mental health? Do you wonder which foods or natural treatments are recommended now? Do you know the risks of taking hormones? Then this discussion is meant for you.
Half the world's population is expected to experience some form of mental illness, according to a 2023 report by researchers from Harvard University and the U of Queensland. Most will experience depression—some, bipolar or schizophrenia. All three are discussed here, including natural treatments.
Do you know how clothing, temperature, lifestyle, water, and exercise affect those with multiple sclerosis? Did you know that MS is more common in those living at a certain latitude and in certain environs? What do you know about any laboratory test to diagnose MS? All these and more are discussed.
Dress reform could do a work for us that would bring about untold blessings. Dress reform was given to us primarily for health reasons, for convenience, and to save time and money, but modesty and pride were also features of the reform.
Health retreat guests may feel overwhelmed at the thought that they will be faced with doing all their own daily healing routines, once they are home. This sample daily schedule is intended to assist and simplify life for those fearful of the challenge.
Loud noise can actually be fatal to persons with certain diseases? Yes. In this article, learn what else is affected by continuous noise (and what preventive measures we can take).
This compilation of quotes from the Spirit of Prophecy, regarding the number of meals and sufficient hours in between, can be quite helpful on our journey toward optimum health.
Among the criteria of indications of nutritional excellency are: a good memory, good mental function, growth and maturation in a proper length of time, etc. Learn more in this article.
Aspirin is the trade name for acetylsalicylic acid. Aspirin is particularly harmful, and should be looked on with strong suspicion. About 10,000 Americans each year lose their lives because of taking aspirin. Learn more in this article.
Pain sufferers will want to read this discussion, which addresses the treatment of pain naturally. Pain influences are discussed. Exposure to chemicals is addressed. Exercises are described. Hydrotherapy instructions are provided. This is a must-read.
A 2022 NIH report stated that peptic ulcer disease (PUD) affects four million people worldwide annually. This discussion provides details anyone suffering with PUD would want to know and share—from surprising causes to simple natural methods of treatment.
Perception Influenced by Physical Habits ... Pride and Selfishness Becloud Perceptive Powers ... Perception Poisoned through Criticism and Accusation. Those are a few of the headings in this list of quotes about perception.
Eliminating pets from the household seems to be an especially difficult measure for many people. Learn in this article why it's a crucial decision for the health of the whole family.
According to 2024, statistics, an estimated 500 million or more people live at high altitudes. Probably only a small fraction understand the health risks involved. This informational piece makes the list of preferred reading to recognize symptoms and treat even the most severe form of polycythemia.
Just one of the quotes in this counseling sheet: "To those who desire prayer for their restoration to health, it should be made plain that the violation of God's law, either natural or spiritual, is sin, and that in order for them to receive His blessing, sin must be confessed and forsaken."
Most women—over 90 percent—have been said to experience some form of PMS. This is a detailed discussion, filled with amazingly simple options designed to improve the life experience of women and, indirectly, her associates.
Read this discussion to learn how deep breathing, drinking water after a cough, taking baths and showers, certain dietary practices, and other simple practices can stimulate the immune system for healing. Also learn what to avoid, like rich foods, antibiotics, even aspirin and more!
Are you done with diets? Better yet, be done with the diet and lifestyle that led to unhealthy weight gain. Join a growing population changing their diet and lifestyle to live a longer and healthier and more fulfilled life. "Principles of Weight Control" shows you how and why you'll want the change.
How delinquents develop into career criminals is the focus of this discussion. The unstructured home, the single-parent home, family adversity, poor maternal mental health, early physical maturity are factors that influence behavior.
"Air, air, the precious boon of heaven which all may have, will bless you with its invigorating influence if you will not refuse it entrance." That and other quotes about the benefits of proper breathing can be found in this article.
This discussion provides essential and detailed information for men at any age, especially as dietary and lifestyle habits are being formed, which will affect the prostate in later years.
Enlargement and cancer of the prostate and their likely causes, irritants, as well as natural treatments (including the use of water and nutritional specifics) are discussed.
This list of exercises includes both upper and lower extremities, from shoulders to toes, with the descriptions of each exercise designed to help improve range of motion.
This is a brief and yet most important discussion about plant sterols and their effect on menopausal symptoms, menstrual bleeding, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. It emphasizes the strict control of the diet and acknowledges the powerful value of wise choices.
This is likely the most brief, simple, and yet most effective, discussion about weight loss. It is well worth the read, even for those considering adopting a total raw diet and why that might not be the best decision to sustain for the long term. Very interesting and easily adaptable in the life!
The health recovery diet can relieve symptoms of hypoglycemia, fatigue, allergies, headaches, depression, skin problems, digestive symptoms, and a host of other disorders.
Read this, especially if you are hesitant to decide between a colonic and an enema. This discussion provides information and a comparative between the two. Additionally, there is a list of who are most definitely cautioned against colonic hydrotherapy.
This discussion offers step-by-step advice for total-body relaxation, which is believed to successfully address problems and diseases, such as insomnia, constipation, asthma, angina, high blood pressure, digestive disturbances, and even ulcers.
This reference list from The Holy Bible and The Spirit of Prophecy provide guidance regarding the role of diet and health in preparing (and helping others to prepare) for the Second Coming of Jesus.
These short, scientific abstracts, ranging from noise to ulcers to blood pressure and more, can be helpful in sharing well-referenced health information with loved ones.
These short, scientific abstracts, ranging from appendectomy to zinc (not necessarily in that order), can be helpful in sharing well-referenced health information with loved ones.
These short, scientific abstracts, ranging from arthritis to gallstones to smoking (in random order), can be helpful in sharing well-referenced health information with loved ones.